Channel: Jeya Raveendran
Category: Entertainment
Tags: ethirum pudhirumvideo songtamil kuthu songstamil gana kuthu songsgoundamani kuthu songstamil dancevijay songsjeya dancesimranjeya raveeendransimran song dance performancetamil songssimran song dancelondon tamildancesongdeva kuthu songsajith best kuthu songajith songsd imman songstamil village kuthu songsthottu thottu pesum songkuthu songs tamiljrdakuthu songsnew tamil kuthu songssimran songs
Description: Travelling back in time with this track. #ThottuThottuPesum #Tamil hit song from movie #EthirumPuthirum. Hope you guys like my take on it. Thank you to all my supporters for being patient with my youtube video after so many months. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank all my students/parents who have supported JRDA through this pandemic. We made it through! #JRDA lives on WOOHOO!!! Choreo: Jeya Raveendran Videograoher: Blickachu Editor: Jeya Raveendran Dancers: Clip 1 Rakhee Jeya Shai Clip 2 Mathuran Mathura Shai Rakhee Sambath #TamilKuthuSongs #Swarnalathasong #KuthuSongs Thottu Thottu Pesum Song | Swarnalatha, Pushpavanam Kuppusamy | Kuthu Songs | Vidyasagar songs Full HD Video Song : Thottu Thottu Pesum Song Movie : Ethirum puthirum Singer : Swarnalatha, Pushpavanam Kuppusamy Music : Vidyasagar Director : Dharani